Friday, August 9, 2013

MY Ultimate Bliss

My Lord,

Yesterday I had the most amazing day with You.  I read Jesus Calling, Dr. Stanley's Devotion, Our Daily Bread and The Gospel of John along with the DVD.  I've seen the movie at least 4 times and it still makes me cry.  It is so heavy with passion and emotion.  Yes, Jesus surely LOVES me!  This I know for the bible tells me so.

I circled every time You said the word believe and highlighted each time that You said, "I tell you the truth."

WOW!! No one every told me about the Gospel and now, I simply cannot keep it to myself.  Your love and ultimate sacrifice is unlike anything Man can imagine....BUT, it's so true and so real.  You did die for us and You did take away the sins of the world.

Father, I do not deserve Your Grace nor Your Mercy, but I need it and I am not ashamed to ask You day after day to remind me of Whose I am and how I am nothing without You!  All that holds me together is by Your might.  I will surely stumble and make a MESS of things on my own and I don't want to ruin my testimony or lead my children and grandchildren astray.

They are counting on me to be Strong in times of trouble, doubt and uncertainties and they are counting on me to STAND Firm in my FAITH!  I was not a good role model as their mom when I was young and living in the darkness.  I made many, many mistakes and now, today, I want to continuing being a Godly woman, mother and servant for them and for YOU!

Eternally yours