Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Story...

My Lord,

Happy Beautiful Tuesday.  I saw the moon and the moon saw me.  It followed me from North Beach, Md., to Washington, D. C.  Thank you for that clear direction.

Lord, I was listening to part two of Sheri's story.  Her testimony is awesome and oh so redemptive of YOUR Grace and Power and most of all, of YOUR Unconditional LOVE!

We were having lunch on Saturday and one of the women at the table stunned me when she said, "I want to know your story. I want to know why I don't have some of that."  I burst into an innocent laughter and she said, "See...look at your face, your glow." 

Father, ALL PRAISE TO YOU!  You are that laughter and that LIGHT that shines so bright in me.  You redeemed me from the old me...the ugly me...the shameful me...the controlling me...the scared me!

As I was listening to Sheri I was thinking about my own life and it seems to me (personal opinion here) but those who have a passion or fire so to speak...have a deep rooted pain that came prior to that burning desire.

Not sure what Billy Graham's past is or was (considering how passionate he was and still is)...but like a great love song, the person who wrote it was oh so broken hearted before writing his/her best seller.

Not to say that someone with a completely normal life (whatever normal may be) cannot LOVE and PRAISE You wholeheartedly...but often when a person who compliments my LOVE and public JOY for you gifting me with new life and your living water is someone who grew up in a Christian home.

MY STORY is too much to type out here, but Father, YOU know it from day one and you wiped it all clean with your redeeming blood.

LORD, I thank you and so want to spend the rest of my days honoring and obeying you.  Yes, I've slipped and yes, I will make many, many more mistakes...but I am asking YOU to please hold me accountable and to discipline me with your firm hand.  YOUR word says that You discipline those you LOVE.  My LORD, please LOVE on me all the days of my life :-)

In Jesus' precious name. AMEN!

Eternally yours