Monday, August 19, 2013

My Delight...

My Lord,

Thank you for that awesome delight this morning.  Sheri Rose Shepherd was on WAVA (105.1) giving her testimony!!!! I love her deeply.  Because of her pain and shame, she authored, "His Princess, Love Letters From Your King."  That book changed my life and my relationship with you. 

It is the reason I began this public journey with you so that others could see that I'm just a normal girl, whose made many mistakes, and whose life has been completely changed by surrendering to JESUS.
I'm not perfect, thin or beautiful, (according to the world's standard of beauty) but in YOU I am loved and completely free from all of those "things" that once held me hostage!  Walking in YOUR LIGHT gives me the awesome ability to SHINE as bright as your sun and for Your Son!

She was talking about her ugly past and how YOU redeemed her.  I love when people can come clean and tell all the "stuff" that once defined who they were and then come full circle to see that it was all for YOUR Glory and that there is no more shame, pain, guilt, imperfections, insecurities, or condemnation!  There is nothing but pure unconditional love in Christ Jesus, "if" you BELIEVE!

Father, oftentimes, I do "complain" about my hair, my weight, my lack of energy, and my job.  LORD, I am oh so grateful for my health...from head to toe.  I love my head full of healthy grey and red hair.  And although my "job" is not my happy place, I know that You and I have made difference here.  Not only that, I would have never met Rosa or Gladys, had I not chosen this career path.

I love you and thank you for what you've done in my life from the very beginning when I didn't know You, during the middle when I was oh so lost...and now, how you've wrapped me in your loving arms.  And Father, a "BIG" thank you in advance for bringing me to Glory when this life down here is over!

Seeing You face to that my ULTIMATE Delight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eternally yours