Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My New Bliss....

My Lord,

Thank you for my 49th Birthday gift.  My road trip to the Outer Banks was way cool.  I cannot tell you how many butterflies I saw along the way; even more on the way home.

I truly had an incredible time and I owe it all to you.  I had no real plans or reservations and I just picked a place, printed a map and prayed!  YOU are my love and my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for the injury to my foot.  Count it all joy as you say in your word!  I'm healing and I'm grateful!

I have no objections to moving to North Carolina when I retire.  Father, as long as we are together and there's a glimpse of water, I will be the happiest disciple ever! Lol

I long to obey you and not so that you will grant my heart's desire but because you want the very best for me!  Who else can say that and "mean" it?

All my love,
Your Princess Bride