Thursday, July 11, 2013

Whatever Your Current Season...

My Lord,

You know that I was planning to send out my Barnabas text with the below message:
Something in my Spirit said that it was someone who needed it...

"After I had much anxiety about a very personal and difficult decision, the Lord lead me to Psalm 13.  This is where David repeatedly asked God, "How long?" And then, he ended the Psalm with praise and thanksgiving."

Father, when you did that for me, it was indeed well with my soul. 
I pray that the person I shared it with feels some relief in the season that you have them in.  I thank you Lord for allowing my spirit and my heart to be vulnerable.  I have not kept quiet about what you've done for me.

And on another note:  As I was listening to this morning's sermon, the Pastor said something that just pierced me to the core:  I had to share this and sent out as a text and e-mail as you have instructed.

"Do you want the TRUTH or do you want someone to agree with you?"
John 8:32 Then you will know the truth and the truth will make you FREE.

Eternally grateful, eternally yours