Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Isaiah 6:8 "still my prayer..."

My Lord,

You know that my spiritual gift is encouragement.  And oftentimes, I have a message to send out to my friends and family members and then you come along and change the message for the day. 

The below text/msg was the message that you sent out yesterday through me and I thank you.  As I have nicknamed myself "Barnabas" you have placed the gift of spreading the word to over 40 people a day via text and email.  That is not including my role as a mother, supervisor, sister, friend, neighbor and servant.

GM Beloved Sisters,
Yesterday I was frustrated. Today's devotion by Dr. Charles Stanley describes it in great detail. What captured my attention the most is not so much what he said but how God already knew that I would be frustrated and prepared this message for me in advance. He knows what we need before we ask. My spirit was grieved for friends and family that are in need of deliverance. Submit all of your emotions to The Lord and He will tell you what to do.
I love you!

Father, when I happened upon Isaiah 6:8...that has been my prayer ever since; and My Lord, it will be my prayer until you call me HOME :-)

Thank for the people you've placed in my life for me to minister to and a GINORMOUS thank you for the people you've placed in my life to minister to ME!

*God Almighty! The evil one is after my sister and two of my closest friends.  LORD, please may they feel the HEAVY Presence of YOU on their shoulder today.  May the sun shine so brightly upon their face that all the troubles, worries and current circumstances shrink to the size of a rain drop and dissolve.  May ALL the Glory go to you as they SURRENDER and keep the steadfast FAITH!  Father, I trust that you will place that hedge of protection that you are so famous for around them as you do with all those who love and submit to you.  FATHER, I am trusting you in a mighty way and you've always proven to be listening, available and answering without delay.  In Jesus' precious name.  Thank you for hearing me! Lord, I love you!

Eternally yours