Monday, June 3, 2013

Nanette's Homegoing...

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you for the rain.  I love rain.  I used to be so afraid of the thunder and now I sit and wait for it so that I can record it.  I have shared your thunder and lightening with friends and family members.  It's so amazing to watch.  Knowing that you are protecting me from harm, just like you said you would.  I trust you and I love you.

Father, thank you for giving me "those" words to speak at Nanette's homegoing.  I did not plan to speak, but your spirit provoked me and I was in awe of what was said.  I know without a doubt that it was the Holy Spirit calling out the devil to those that you love and want to come into your Kingdom.  That was the time and the place and I pray that someone's heart (aside from my daughter's and the Pastor) was peirced by the message of the Gospel.

Lord, my baby sister needs your peace, your comfort and your guidance.  She is in a spiritual warfare right now and the devil is TRYING to steal her joy. Her heart is sad and so is mine for the trials and confrontations that are in her way.  But Father, JOY comes new every morning just like your MERCIES and your grace.  Father, please lift her up to you and away from her circumstances.  Lord, give her the strength and the wisdom to see the light and to fix her eyes on YOU. Father, please sustain her health as she is in the midst of raising her children without their dad and growing spiritually day by day.

Satan is subtle and sneaky and he is having his way in our families, our marriages and in the minds of our youth.

T and I were talking yesterday Lord, and we long for you.  This world needs you in a BIG way.  We are a consumed society and nothing is going as you planned.  But then again, Lord, only you know the plan and only you can see the BIGGER picture.  I trust you and I know that you hear all prayers and answer them according to your will and your perfect timing.

Eterally yours