Sunday, June 2, 2013

Watch your thoughts...

My Lord,

Good beautiful morning.  Thank you for another day of undeserving grace.  I have been so tired lately and having no desire to write.  I love that I still have a desire to read your word, but not so much filling in the blanks in my new bible study.  I can contribute it to the midnight shift which completely throws my body in a total tailspin.

It's just not normal for a person to be up all night and then try to drive home in the morning as everyone else is going in the opposite direction.  And then to make matters worst, sleeping on and off throughout the day is exhausting in itself.

I have had so many beautiful revelations reading my devotion, "Jesus Calling" and of course, Dr. Stanley is always on the right track with messages that speak to where I am in my faith walk.  But the most profound thing was last Sunday in Church.  I love how Pastor Wagner said, Blessings Follow Obedience.  But just before that, he pointed out the most profound scripture that would have not been brought to my attention if we were not taking a journey through "The Story."

It was Haggai 1:7 "This is what the Lord Almighty says:  "Give careful thought to your ways." 


I am still meditating on that.

And what brought tears to my eyes was a reminder that ALL Your promises are STILL true: My Spirit remains among you, just as I promised... So do not be afraid." Haggai 2:5