Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Fervent Prayer

Father, please send your peace and comfort to the Settles-Banks family.  They need your presence in a mighty way.  Lord, you know the need and you know the reasons.  I know that you are the Almighty Creator, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.  No one is higher and no one is worthy of Your Praise.  You are Holy, and YOU love us.

Father, there are many, many things that our flesh will never understand and there are many, many things that will cause some to question you, to walk away from you and yes, to deny you...but you love us in spite of those things.  YOU don't want anyone to perish.  YOU will never take your love away.

I for one understand the discipline of your loving gentle hand and I welcome it in the areas of my life where I fail to obey you.

I continue to pray for my family and friends and specifically for the lost who have no idea the rest and assurance that you give freely to those who believe.  If only they could come to you quicker rather than later to receive the blessings, promises and inheritance from the one and only Holy Redeemer.

Lord, again, please uphold this family firmly and put your hedge of protection around their lives and may your ever lasting light bring them hope in the days, weeks and months to come.

Father, YOU are the King of KINGS and you can do what no one can.  YOU can cause us to rejoice in the MIDST of our pain and in the midst of this fallen world.  Lord, let your LOVE flow over in abundance and may their eyes stay fixed on you and not their grief.

In Jesus' precious name.  Father, thank you for hearing me.

Eternally yours