Sunday, June 9, 2013

Regenna's blessings to me...

My Lord,

Oh how I love you!

Yes, you know what I need and when I need it.  I am not the person I used to be and I cannot be quiet about what you've done with my life.  I have tried to contain this "Spirit" you've placed in me but it will not stay suppressed. 

Thank you for the many sisterly friendships that you have gifted me with.  I was such a shy introverted person with little to no choice of course.  But since you saved me and gave me a new passion and purpose, I will tell as many as will hear that you are MIGHTY to save.  If we submit and surrender, we will have peace, love, joy and contentment.  After all, are we all searching for those things in our own will?

This was an e-mail that I sent my sister Regenna.  She'd just sent me the most on-time uplifting text that gave me "happy chills."  God, I know that was you!

~ Sister, your message was so in alignment with the word that came from my Pastor this morning.  He said to go out and verbally preach God's word!
My spiritual gift is exhortation and My Pastor, and assistant Pastor have told me that I have the gift of encouragement.  I did not tell them that I had taken the spiritual gift test.  My Pastor's wife and my friend, Jackie have called me Barnabas.
I started out sending a few text messages here and there and then, with no effort of my own, The Holy Spirit took over.  It has now grown into sending over 40 emails and texts Monday - Friday with a message from the Lord.  I have tried to stop and cut back but the Spirit will not allow me.  I send them out at about 7:20 or so because my friend Donna said that it was God waking her up.
Sometimes a person will tease me (in a negative way) and this past week, two people were teasing me about waking them up with my texts, praying too long and being "too happy."  I was feeling a bit sad as I drove home from bible study.  I was asking God if I should keep quiet or if I should stop texting so much.  HE said, "Go and tell them what I have done for you."
And then on Saturday, I had to vacuum the church and my sister, Alice was working in the kitchen.  She thanked me for my praying. My sister Dixie sent me a card and thanked me for being so in love with the Lord.  (I was in such amazement that someone would thank "me" for Loving God). My other sister Caroline, a woman I met on my Alaskan cruise last year, sent me a home made card the other day, thanking me for the daily e-mails that I send her.  A member from our Choir came up and thanked me this morning for being so high spirited and praising God during the praise music.  Our Church is kind of conservative, but I'm not when it comes to giving Him the GLORY.  Lol
And then, my beautiful God fearing sister, YOU just sent me that BEAUTIFUL awe inspiring text!  I love you and how Our Father knows what we need before we ask.  YOU have given me a new passion to keep going and to not be down casted by Satan or his little jealous demons.  I only send out those daily messages to believers and I will not allow the evil one to have dominion over someone I care about!
PRAISE the Lord all His people.  PTL!
Father, thank you for using my life and please Lord, continue to have your way with me.  I do pray that you will tell me when to speak and when to be quiet.  I love you!
Eternally yours