Monday, June 10, 2013

Loving My "Jesus Calling"

My Lord,

How are you?

Exhale...what concerns you concerns me too.
Yesterday, Pastor Wagner said, "God is concerned about the things that concern you."  Father, I know that you are deeply concerned about your chosen ones, the state of this world and even the ones that do not believe.  I too am concerned about those things.  As you know, my heart was grieved on more than one occasion this past week.

Lord, I need you to hold my hand.  That has become a regular prayer of mine and today's devotion speaks of this very thing.  I love my Jesus Calling Devotional Book.  The title alone is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. "Enjoying Peace In His Presence."

I have way too many devotions and this is the first one that I have read every since I purchased it.  You know how much I love Dr. Stanley, but I cannot say that I've read every daily devotion from him (although I try).  I so thank you that this particular devotional feeds and nourishes me in countless ways.  I love reading it and then going directly to the referenced scripture.  I love having you so close to me and knowing that I am not walking this journey alone.  My heart longs for You like nothing I've ever known.

Today's devotion: "Remember that you are on a journey with Me.  When you try to peer into the future and plan for every possibility, you ignore your constant Companion, who sustains you moment by moment.  As you gaze anxiously into the distance, you don't even feel the strong grip of My hand holding yours.  How foolish are you, My child!"

Father, you know that I am still a woman who likes to plan, organize and structure "my" life.  This is exactly the very reason I need You to not only hold my hand but to hold me accountable.  It is not my life, but a life that I willingly and verbally professed to you on May 4, 2008.  Help me to stay out of Your way!

On another note: Yesterday's devotion spoke about Your Light.  You desire that your children wear this light from head to toe and that we be radiant in the presence of non-believers. 

Melissa and I had a yummy dinner on Friday night and she said that I had a pregnant glow.  She didn't want to offend me and prepared me for the compliment in advance. I laughed and thanked her.  It is indeed Your Light she was speaking of because of my vow of celibacy...surely I am not pregnant.  Lol

Lord, many have complimented my light and my glow...Helen, Cyndi, Shawn, Lorenzo, Torrence, Mary, Cindy...and the list goes on.  Father, these are bouquet of flowers being sent up to You.  I am trying to be that light and it is not always easy, but I TRUST You wholeheartedly to be my strength in times of weakness and my comfort in times of distress and my refuge in those deepest moments of longing and uncertainty.  Lord, it is my prayer that YOU hear me and promise to come quickly when I call. In Jesus' precious name.  Amen.

Eternally yours