Tuesday, June 11, 2013

No Shame

My Lord,

THANK YOU for my financial blessing yesterday.  Thank you for the one the week before that and all the times before that.  Thank you for the $1 that I found on the ground when it was raining.  Thank you for the $6 that came in the mail from an advertisement.  Thank you for the resources that you've provided that allows me to donate to the Central Union Mission, The Water Well Project, WAVA Ministries, In Touch Ministries, The Calvary Women's Shelter and the End Hunger Project.

Father, I say all this not to brag but to GIVE YOU ALL THE GLORY.  I remember when I first got saved.  I could not tithe because I had two mortgage payments, and I was not in a "place" to trust you.  I wanted to but because my mind had been programed for many, many years on surviving, I didn't know that you would come through for me.

I heard something so profound yesterday while listening to New Life Live.  The speaker said that "Self Help" was the worst oxymoron ever written.  It is so profoundly true.  I had tons of self help books as I was searching for my purpose in this life and trying to figure out who I was and why my dad would abandon me when I was a baby.

All those years and all the books yielded negative results compared to the BIBLE.  Your promises, your truth and your everlasting love for me was all I needed only I did not know.

My Lord, thank you for many, many things...but the biggest thank you is not the fact that I finally have someplace to put my trust, but that I can make mistake after mistake with my finances and with my life...and STILL be forgiven by you.  There is no Shame and no CONDEMNATION for those in Christ Jesus.

YAY!  That includes me :-)

Eternally yours