Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I want to THANK You

My Lord,

Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day.  Thank you for health insurance.  I had an appt w/my dentist and there was no fee.  Not that I didn't pay enough on my last visit. Lol
Thank you for the consistent resources that you provide to me and my family.  My kids have health insurance and I thank you Father.
Thank you for the sushi from my favorite place.  So yummy and even better last night before I went to bed :-)
Thank you for my new bible and my devotions: Dr. Stanley and Sarah Young.  Both so very insightful and so speaks to my spirit.
Thank you for the free movies from the library.  Cable is so overrated. Lol
I'm only saying that because I don't have it :-)  A choice of my own making.
Of all the things that I'd like to thank you for; today, Father I thank you that my sister received my "Barnabas text" yesterday and needed it.  She said that it was on time and just what she needed.  Lord, that was you. Not me.  There are countless times when I have something prepared to send and You change the message for me because someone needs something "specific" for that day!
Lord, thank you that I am in a place to hear you with such clarity.  Not always...but most of the time.  Help me to know the difference between your voice and my thoughts!
Eternally yours