Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Free Will

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you.

Thank you for the time spent with my dad.  Thank you for safe travels.  Thank you for the rain.  Thank you for the quality time spent with you in the car while driving.  Thank you for listening, caring, comforting and guidance.

Thank you for being in the center of my heart.  Lord, I know that there are many, many things that I will not understand, BUT I trust you and I love you.

There are also way more questions than there are answers; yet, I still love you and trust you.  If I had all the answers, I wouldn't really need a personal relationship with would I?

I love that you give each person free will and I completely understand that if my (deepest prayers) are not answered, it is because the individual(s) have chosen not to trust in you, submit to you and BELIEVE in you.

Father, I wholeheartedly thank you that you changed my heart and that it longs to please you and seek your face.  With you in my life, by my side, inside my heart...all things are possible.  Yes, My Lord, I believe!

Eternally yours