Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer Break

My Lord,

Happy Beautiful Thursday.

Father, I want to thank you for your many gifts of leading, teaching, guiding and instructing me in my faith walk.  Melanie gave me this awesome book (The Names of God) for Mother's Day and I have so much reading material at hand that I am probably in the middle of about 5-6 books as I type this. 

Thank you for the summer break from bible study and our reading of (The Story) so that I can catch up. Lol

I am currently reading: Jesus Calling, Spiritual Simplicity, The Power of A Praying Woman, The Names of God, My new NIV Bible, Dr. Stanley's Devotion, Our Daily Bread and I am also going to try to squeeze in my friend's book for pleasure-426 pages (wow).  He is a dear blogger friend and I'm excited about his new release.  It's titled "Litter in The Wind." So far, it's really good.

But in regards to what I read yesterday, The Names of God, by Lester Sumrall; this is just what my spirit was searching for: specifically pg 46. "...people may walk down the aisles to commit their lives to Jesus Christ. Yet if I asked those people to explain the Trinity, the Incarnation, or some other deep truth of God, they probably couldn't do so!  That's all right.."
The Church has always called these things "mysteries." Thank God. "By grace you have been saved through faith" (Ephesians 2:8), and NOT through knowledge or understanding.

And the previous page goes on to say that if we "waited" until we understood everything about God, we'd never serve him.


Thank you My Lord for that powerful insight!

Eternally yours