Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Wilderness

My Lord, thank you for yesterday and the day prior.  Two amazingly beautiful days of summer sunshine.

I laid out in the sun on the beach on Friday and it was absolute bliss. (By YOUR Grace!)

I went to the Dobry's for Summer's 8th birthday and she did not know that I was coming.  Again...absolute bliss.  The family unity and structure was so incredible to watch, I was trying not to cry.  Nothing but love the entire time.  There was praise, food, testimonies, food, hugs, laughter, food, conversations, photos, testimonies, upcoming mission's trip, praises and lots of love.  I thank you Father for putting me in a place to receive You.

You designed everything and everyone to come together in your will and perfect timing.  Who would have thought that this beautiful friendship began with a prayer request from Mrs. Dickens regarding a troubled student? I still don't know what made me go to the school to become a volunteer...I know, "The Holy Spirit" right?

Thank you for yesterday, I met Rebecca again as she came to the house.  She fell in love with my little Jesus Joy spot.  She brought her son with her who is also a passionate writer.  I love people who Love Jesus and people who love to write :-)

She made me feel so warm and it was so easy to talk with her.  She didn't say much about herself but what little I did hear, I could tell that we have a lot in common and will become great friends.

I wanted to start this post of with this morning's profound bible study message, titled: Who Am I?

My Pastor preached from Moses testimony which is so similar to mine. "Exodus 3:1-11"

Moses wandered for 40 years as did I and You gave him an assignment that he did not want, similar to my experience years ago in the work place.

My Lord, I so thank you for my wilderness experiences which taught me to LET You Lead and also gave me no other alternative but to trust you.  YOU have proven to be the one and only True God and you and I have formed the most amazing bond that no one can separate!

"The wilderness is the in-between place before transitioning into the Promised Land.  The place can be very uncomfortable but God uses it to transform His people."

Lord you used my divorce to draw me nearer to you and in turn, the decision to let go of the house was the begining of my transition into the beach front condo.  Allowing me to live in that sacred space and giving me a spacious view for you to show your MIGHTY sun-gifts, waves, clouds, the moon, stars and rainbows has completely transformed my life.  I live for you and wouldn't have it any other way!

Eternally yours