Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sweet Fellowship

My Lord,

Thank you!

The day before yesterday I had awesome fellowship with Helen.

Yesterday, I also talked with Vonda about you and your goodness. We kept taking turns praising you :-)

And later, there was nothing but love with Ms. G, Demetrius, Ruth and Bridget's mom.

I got countless hugs from Kara, Jayla, Chase, Donna, Robin, John, Bridget, Sammi, Jackie, Helen, and Pastor Wagner.

I also saw Thea, Beverly, Paulette, Sharon, Jan, Cindy, Joel, Maxine, and Albert.

I met a woman named Andee briefly and she came back looking for me. She said that I seemed so nice and wanted to formally meet me. She attends the late service so we had never met.

Father, a special thank you for the energy that you gave me yesterday. 
"...we can do all things through Him who strengthens us" Phil. 4:13

With the heat, the thyroids and the (other thing), I have zero energy.  And if I do not get a nap, the chances of me falling asleep behind the wheel are great.

(THANK YOU FOR your special attention to me when I'm driving and quite certain that my eyes have closed...I truly feel your presence when you awaken me in those brief moments.)