Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nothing But Gratitude

My Lord,

Just want to say some "thank yous!"

Thank you for so many things.  Thank you for listening to me on the way to work and for being patient with me when I begin to pray and then get side tracked.

I love how you know me so well and LOVE me still :-)

I call your grace over my life "Jesus JOY"

Thank you for the many, many people that you have placed in my life, along my path and those who share in my journey.  I know that all of them will not be for a lifetime but I am enjoying, sharing, loving, caring, encouraging as many as I can for however long you'll allow me to.

Thank you for the book sales and the heart to want to "give."

I love that I want to serve self less and serve YOU more!

I long to be the apple of your eye. Thank you for choosing me!

Eternally yours!