Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Lord,

Yesterday, while on my way to a memorial service, a song came on the radio which provoked me to write the below Haiku Poem for you.

He Is

He is on my side
The Lord Our God Almighty
He is on my side

He is oh so true
Unlike man, He cannot lie
He is oh so true

He is always near
People come and people go
He is always near

He is a kind God
He holds my hand everyday
He is a kind God

He is King of Kings
And I am His Princess Bride
He is King of Kings

He will redeem you
Don't delay, call Him today
He will redeem you

You are on my side
You are oh so true
You are always near
You are a kind God
You are King of Kings
You redeemed me

Eternally yours