Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Lord,

Huge epiphany this morning.  It was so quiet and so crystal clear as I was walking and looking up at the stars.  In my mind's eye, I only saw about 4 stars...but as I stood there, frozen in the moment, the bird's song became extremely profound.

As I shouted, "Praise Him."  It was as if the Spirit whispered..."They are not singing to me Denise, that song is for you."  WOW...Now I get it!

Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

Whenever I hear the bird's song...I stop and listen.  I rest in the sweet sounding love and music bursting from their tiny joy-filled heartbeats.  Father, that is you singing through them. 

YOU have placed the songs in their hearts to sing to your children.  However, if we don't "stop" and listen for you, we will miss your rejoicing over us. 

Father, I believe every word you've written, even the words I don't understand.  Because you have said it, I wholeheartedly believe it.  And as sweet as this verse was, I didn't understand how you could sing "over me."  NOW I see.  Lol

If it's not what I think, then please allow me to believe that the birds are singing to me by your sweet request :-)

Eternally yours