Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Lord,

It's amazingly warm outdoors.  I want to lay on the ground and look up at the stars...but unfortunately, I don't get paid for that. :-)

I wrote a poem in the car about you.  I'm always daydreaming about you and us.  The way that you love and care for me is unlike anything that I've ever experienced.  It fills me up immensely.  I cannot imagine my next move if you were to leave or change...PRAISE and GLORY to you that you are the same, yesterday, today and forever.  Oh what an awesome truth to hold on to.

Thank you for something as little as a butterfly and something so big as forgiveness.  YOU are mighty and there is no other.

Yesterday, just listening to the waves...being in that moment, watching the sun set slowly...being in that moment.  The desire to sit with you in the midst of a busy and consumed world, wanting to study your word and learn about spiritual discernment and wisdom through my homework...being in that moment of realizing that YOU truly have my best interest at heart.  You always have and this I know to be a FACT.  No one can tell me anything that would persuade me to walk away from my faith and your love unending.

I need you to stay as close as possible because the evil one is always on the prowl. He will try everything possible to deceive me and I cannot always distinguish his my flesh, it will be a day to day decision to draw nearer to you and not allow "my feelings" and the voices of others to influence my Chrisitian walk.  My flesh and my heart may fail, but YOU are my strength of my heart and my portion forever and ever.  Psalm 73:26

Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you. Job 22:21.

Lord, I want to be at peace with you...not for prosperity sake, but because it feels so feels like home!

Eternally yours