Monday, April 1, 2013

My Lord,

Thank YOU!

Two simple words with such significance.

This past weekend was so amazing and love-filled and gratitude-filled.  But most importantly, it was Holy Spirit Filled.  Your presence was extremely present this weekend.  Friday night's service was so personal for me.  Just meditating and resonating with all that the Pastor was saying and the meaning of what you did for me.  I have absolutely no reason whatsoever to complain.  Father, PLEASE help me with my thoughts, actions and attitude....when I'm in one of those ungrateful moods .... LORD, please remind me of what you did and that I have yet to "SUFFER."

Thank you for Saturday's beautiful sunny-filled day.  Filled will love and praise and the freedom that I have in you.  The choice to love, hate, give, keep, stay in or go out and visit with old friends and loved ones.  I saw Mother Williams this weekend and also visited with Jennie.  They are two of my senior friendships who just light up when I'm in their presence.  I also spoke with Hope this weekend and she is so very grateful for my friendship as well.  Lord, I know that you have placed these seniors in my life because of the deep love and affection that I had with my grand-mother  and for the absence and loss that I felt when she went up to heaven.  I never got the chance to blossom in front of her or to spread my wings.  I didn't get to opportunity to "be" still in her presence and to bask in her loving and gently words of wisdom.  My memories of her are more from my youth because I was so consumed with self as I ventured into my painful and insecure adulthood.  So again, Lord, thank you for the senior friendships that bless me so much more than I can express.

Lastly, Father, thank you for yesterday.  The food, fellowship and FAMILY was crazy, loud, overstuffed, laughter-filled, loved-filled and joy-filled.  There are many times when we clash, disagree and oftentimes stay away longer than necessary...but overall...THERE is love ... there is always love.  Thank you.  My mom and sisters cooked an all out feast.  It was ridiculously delicious.  And the desserts...insanely yummy!  Thank you God for cupcakes and sugar and chocolate and turkey and mac and cheese and Pepsi's and ice cream and brownies... and ...... Lol

It was super fun having a private Open Mic session with my gran-girls and my niece as we read our poetry from my lastest Book...Poetry and Friendship.  YOU are so cool God how you give my heart's desire :-)

BUT Father, in addition to all that I've mentioned, thank you for Your Promise to return for those who believe in you and for those who have been saved by you.  Oh how I delight in your word and your truth.

PS.  Lord, thank you for the grace my mom displays in the situation concerning.... You know what it is Lord... :-)

Eternally yours.