Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you for accompanying me on the way to work this morning.  Just thinking about you not being there brought tears to my eyes.  Looking at the moon....my assurance that you are always with me...just as you've promised you would be.

I was listening to the sermon this morning and the Pastor talked about Genesis Chapter 11.  Father, please don't allow me to get so into myself, my things, my ways...that I "think" that I don't need you or that I stray away from you.  I feel so wrapped in your love, so comforted by your peace and so overwhelmed that you have kept every promise made to me that I cannot imagine "anything" that would pull me away from You.  But, I am not perfect and this flesh...our human nature, is to be independent...HELP me to not go back there.

Nothing I did prior to May 4, 2008, worked in my favor.  And Lord, I wholeheartedly thank you for that, because without You, nothing is supposed to work.  With man, nothing is possible.  With God, ALL things are possible.

As for me, I'll go with God.

Love for all the days you grant me and beyond...

Eternally yours