Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you for the big dipper being so visible to me.  I don't know why, but I love looking up to the sky and seeing it there.  I feel like a kid when I do.

I was asking to see a penny on my way into the office this morning but didn't see one.  It was probably too dark.  Not that it will have any impact on my day, but I love those serendipity moments when I'm talking to you about something and then a penny appears.  I love that because I use it as your way of saying, "Trust me."

I was listening to the sermon this morning and he was speaking about our gifts and ministries.  My baby sister had an assignment where she was asked by her pastor to discover her purpose in you.  We laughed out loud repeatedly because she thought she was going to find the answer by searching "Google." Lol
Father, our one and only purpose is to Glorify YOU! Our lives are not our own.
Being close to you has helped me to clearly see and love how you've gifted me.  I know that my spiritual gift is encouragement and that my ministry is writing.  Writing is my natural gift, but you greatly enhanced it allowing me to write multiple blogs and to express my pain, truths, triumphs and also gifted me with the ability to publish books.  I know that you have many talents and uses for me and My Lord, I embrace them all.

The only thing that I ask of you is to continue strengthening me...sometimes I'm just plain old tired.  I know it's the thyroids and the change in seasons.  I'm super excited about this season and what you'll reveal to me.  I'm also super excited to promote the book once the final corrections are made and to make an impact in the Calvert County Community.  With your help and grace, we will feed some of the hungry.  We cannot end hunger, but surely, we will make a difference in the lives of some families.  For that God, I am grateful beyond words.

Eternally yours