Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Lord,


Great is your mercy upon my life.  Great is your mercy upon this world...this earth.  We have so much to be thankful for and I am one to get caught up in the little things from time to time.  I can feel it when it happens and oftentimes am able to put myself in check.  Like my car for instance...I "miss" my old red car.  Max and I had fond memories in that car and the trunk space was insane. Lol

I like my new car, but I loved the old one.  Isn't that just like an American.  So spoiled about a material possession.  This morning, the sermon was talking about gratitude.  Father, I am grateful and yesterday, I was thinking about my amazing life and played, "Great Is Your Mercy," as I was driving home.  Of course, I began to cry.  You have gifted me with too many things to count, write about or name.  And then, this morning...I was thinking the same thing again...Great is your mercy...I began to cry again.

Just for the ability to read, write, see, smell, taste, feel, cry, bleed, hurt, laugh, dress myself, get up in the middle of the night to potty without assistance, drive, fill up my tank, bring my lunch or choose to eat out, change my hours at work, have lunch with my son, visit my gran-girls, the ability to agree to disagree with my sisters, reflect on old photos, text my parents, gain a few pounds, lose them again...I especially love those moments when I simply desire to be with you. 

Yesterday, I was as happy as a child on Christmas morning.  Just moving about the house and reorganizing my book collection.  They are everywhere and each time I look, they seem to be taking over my space. Lol
I have them in every room...even the kitchen.  I straightened up all the shelves and then, chose a few to read.  I picked, Jesus Calling (so loving it), List Yourself, God Girl, My April Poems and then I reread an old journal. It was one that I'd taken to NYC in 2011 when I joined my son for a business trip...(super fun).  It was filled with a ridiculous amount of Haiku...what memories.  Thank you My Lord.

Your hands uniquely created me and I am so very grateful to be just that...fearfully and wonderfully ME!

I was telling a friend yesterday how in the past...way back when, I wanted to be anyone but me.  But, by your mercy, grace, unconditional love and salvation, I don't want to be anyone but who I am.  A child of the Most High and a Princess Bride in the making...

I patiently await for further instructions...

Eternally yours