Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Lord,

Thank you for answering prayers.  You are so on time...ALL the time.
Today's message from my Pastor was about King David...and how he fell into a "period" of sin.
And then, on the way to work, the radio sermon was about Lot and his "sin"...his greed...

In our notes, Our Pastor outlined how King David was unaccountable and vulnerable.  He also spoke about "us" being at our weakness when we have too much time on our hands and when we are bored.

Father, with the "time" that I have on my hands, I long to spend with you.  When I'm not catching up on my lack of sleep (thyroids ugh....) I long to be with you.  I so enjoy our quiet time and our private moments.  If I had my way, I would spend all of my time with you and very little at work, with friends and with family. Lol

I know that you cannot use me if that were the case.  I would be worthless sitting at your feet and doing absolutely nothing for the Kingdom and nothing to draw the non-believers toward your Glorious Light.

When I'm "bored" I read, write in my journal, blog, write poetry, listen to Dr. Stanley, walk, sing, dance, take photos, go for a drive, visit seniors, my kids, my family, fellowship w/my sisters, volunteer at church, go to the library, the book stores, the yummy places on my "favorite food list" and repeat....I'm seldom bored with all that I''ve listed here, more than anything, I'm exhausted. Lol

I remember last summer when my friend said that being a Christian was hard...I disagree. It's exhausting, but personally speaking, it is not hard for me.  Serving you, praising you, obeying you, spending time with you, waiting to hear from you...those things are not hard...not always easy, but never hard.

After all the stuff you've put up with concerning me...being a follower of Christ is the least that I can do.

Eternally yours