Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Lord,

Yesterday's devotional was to give thanks in all things:

Oh how I love you and how I appreciate those little moments when you are right on time.

I had a list of things to get from the Christian Book Store and did not have my credit card.  "Sad face."  But because you created me to be a "just in case" kind of girl, I had one blank check.  Yay!  Smiles again.

Speaking of "smiles...that is why we cannot rely on HAPPY.  It is a fleeting feeling...
I was not happy about walking back to my car to look for my credit card only to find that I did not have it.  I was back to being happy when I discovered the blank check in my wallet.

However, I never lost my JOY.  JOY is indeed internal and eternal from You My Lord.  NO one and no circumstance can take that away from me.  In the end, again, I was not happy about leaving Waldorf without my favorite Chinese food because I didn't have any money.  I was however, happy when I got home to eat a bowl of cereal.  My back up plan and my little bliss. Lol

I want to thank you for Church.  Now I have to make it a habit to stop in and say hello to the choir.  I love to surprise John and at some point, I just may join.  "Laughing out loud at that one."  A singer I am NOT!

Erin gave me a thank you card, Janet gave me a card and a gift and Melanie gave me a thank you card.  I love, love, love my church and not for the "gifts."  I love all the people, the love, the teaching and preaching.  The Pastor is amazing and funny and approachable and willing...He admits his faults along with us and we are always praying for one another.

The Wednesday night dinners are so beautiful to be apart of.  The Secret Sister prayer chain and affection is the most incredible experience.  Everyone is so loving and humble, fun and egar to help.  The activities and ministries are plentiful and I have grown tremendoulsly in my Chrisitian walk.

I am looking forward to many more incredible experiences with the Church and with YOU Father.  You are surely having your way in my life and the life of my children and baby sister.  Speaking of baby sister, I bought her a book yesterday and now, the two of us are traveling the same single journey.  Thank you for saving me first and using me to help the "single" women as I am growing and learning in this journey of alone time with you.  My Lord, please do not bring my Prince into my life until all things have been sifted and refined through your hands.

After reading about Saul's journey and discussing it last night, I do not want to be in that position of, "Be careful what you ask just may get it."  Followed by, "The Lord did not answer my call to Him."

I know you have plans for those who obey and submit to you and I want to wait patiently, as I have been for a few years now.  Lord, I may speak about somethings that I want and or desire, but that is my flesh and my mindset thinking or believeing what I truly cannot perceive to be best, because ULTIMATELY Father, only YOU know what's best.  So, alter my plans and recreate anything that is not of Your will.

I love and trust you.  And, I thank you in advance for providing the very best for your Princess Brided :-)

Eternally yours