Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you.  Thank you for another day of LOVE and GRACE.  Thank you for hearing my prayers.  Thank you for anyone that is and has been praying on my behalf.  Father, a special THANK YOU for those who were praying for me when I did not know you and when I did not know YOUR LOVE toward me and for me.

I've been listening to Dr. Charles Stanley's series on "Liberated To Love."  It is so emotional.  It is a series of 6 CDs and I'm on disk 3.  He speaks so passionately and so intensely about YOUR love for us.  YOUR love for me.  About how we came to know love, receive love and give love.  He talks about how we ALL love differently but how YOU Father, you love us all the same.

He spoke about the various love languages and which one may or may not be mine.  I know for certain that mine is quality time.  I'm not one for "acts of service" or "gifts."  Not that I'll reject those things, but I long to be one on one with you and to spend intimate time with the one that I love. 

In his teachings and preachings you could hear in his voice how his heart was and is burden by someone who doesn't know your love, will never know your love and could very well die without ever receiving the ONLY Unconditional love there is...YOURS!

I felt tears coming to surface when he said that.  YOU saved a wretch like me and poured so much love into my life and I cannot imagine NEVER having received such a priceless gift.  Something I unknowingly searched for all of my life because of the "lack" of love I received from my birth father.  NOT knowing that YOUR love was there all along.  I did not have to do anything to prove myself or to be accepted into your loving arms.  I was good enough way back then and even today, when I fail, fall and stray away, I'll still be "good enough" to be loved by YOU!

Thank you daddy :-)

Eternally yours