Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Lord,

Thank you:

My March 11th Prose Poem...
"Nothing More"
It's approximately 2110 hours and the heat just recycled itself.
And although I'm buried beneath four blankets, my feet are still cold.
I'd like to blame it on the Thyroids. 

The waves are moving about with great force just outside my window.
 I usually don't hear them with the doors and windows completely closed.
The sound tells me that it's both cold and windy.

Pause: The heat just went off.
With Spring just around the corner, the current temperature
bothers me in the least. This past Sunday we lost an hour and my eyelids are
reminiscing on what once was. But in my learned contentment ... in my
 blissful life, I lay hear basking in a ginormous book of combined poets. 

Specifically, page 99 of 762, speaks to my spirit.
 The author titled the poem: Eros, but what stopped me
in my train of thought were the words: "I needed nothing more."
That is my life ... at this very moment, alone in my sacred space with,
 warmth, poetry, waves, and the combined assurance of
 Your grace and Your love; I am in need of nothing more.

Eternally yours