Monday, March 11, 2013

My Lord,

I PRAISE AND THANK YOU THAT THE VEIL WAS TORN AND I  don't have to come to the High Priest to speak with You.

Father, thank you for hearing my prayers.  Thank you that your Son is praying for me and petitioning on my behalf.

Lord, please hear my unspoken prayer request.  Please answer the prayers from my Secret Sisters according to your loving kindness and gentle grace.

Please heal Henry, Pochie, Melanie, Julya, Stan, Don, Hawkins, Marty, Alicia, and anyone that I may have missed.  Heal their illnesses, brokenness, and hearts in ways that only you can do.  You are the Holy, Most Gracious God that knows the day and the hour that the healing will come.  May we wait patiently and expectantly for you.  You are never early or late...You, Father, are always on time.

Lord, with you all of our needs will be met.  You promised us and we need to remember and take comfort in your word because they are TRUTH.  We cannot continue to allow the outside circumstances steal our joy and peace.  You will not abandon us and you cannot lie.

I am grateful.

Additionally, My Lord, please continue to guide and strengthen my children and my grand girls.  May they find favor in your eyes and continually seek your wisdom and instruction.  In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

Eternally yours