Sunday, March 17, 2013

My Lord,

Thank you for the many, many revelations you give to me as I continue in this walk with you.  It seems that whenever I have a question...just thinking about "things..."  you come up with a verse, a person, a song or something in the realm of what I need to reassure me that I'm still on the right track.  Oftentimes, I wonder if I'm hearing you correctly and clearly or if you're silent waiting for me to act.

(We) YOU and I, are still connected and still moving in the same direction and that My Lord, makes my heart happy.  You indeed are my rock and my shield.  YOU provide me with so much comfort and so much assurance that I can't possibly thank you enough.  I just love that you know me so deeply and so intimately that I don't have to think of ways to impress you or "pay you back."

YOU know my in and outs, my round abouts and my ups and downs...your hands created every DNA cell in me and all that other "stuff" that makes me uniquely me.  There were so many times in my past where I wanted to be just about anyone but me.

I wrote a poem about that on Saturday and burst into tears when I read it aloud.  Thank you for making me just the way you did--so very special with a compassionate soul, a creative writing gene, laughter so ridiculously loud, beautiful brown eyes, my dad's hands, my mom's tiny lips, curves that make my sister's jealous-lol, a smile that earned the nickname "sunshine," arms that hug people oh so tight and a heart that longs to please YOU.

You're the BEST!

Eternally yours