Monday, March 25, 2013

My Lord,

It's snowing...........YAY, countless wet kisses on my cheek from you :-)

I just left my mom's house.  We had a super yummy dinner last night as we watched 4 hours of the Bible series.  Lord, I love how you showed so much love, compassion, grace and mercy.  Some will view the film with much criticism, with lack of understanding and then there are those ... like me, who "get it."

Watching last night's episodes.... I got it...
How you delivered Daniel's friends from the burning fire...
How you delivered Daniel from the lion's den...
How you walked on water...
How you healed the leper
How you forgave the prostitute...
How you welcomed all sinners...

And then...I fell asleep. Lol

I know how the story will end.  We will have the VICTORY and the EVIL one...Satan...will be DEFEATED once again.

I say once again, because He was defeated at Calvary...but the world still allows his presence to enter into their minds and hearts....not fully knowing and or comprehending how YOUR death on the cross paid for ALL the sins of MAN - past, present and future.

Five years ago, I did not know this and once I was found by still took me some time to fully grasp why you would save and love someone like, Father, I know.  I get it!

The reason being because you love us.  Because you love me.  YOU always have and you always will.  There is nothing I can do that will change or take away your love and knowing that....frees me from putting my hope and expectations in man.


Eternally yours