Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Lord,

As you know, yesterday as my day was coming to an end, I began to review my prayer request list.  I took a deep breath and began to Praise you first...and then an overwhelming feeling came over me as I opened my eyes and looked to the heavens.  (Thank you that I can just turn my head toward the balcony and see you ever so clearly.)  As I did that, Father, I began to weep.

I immediately thought about YOU and all that you have on your plate:  You are continually and effortlessly healing, comforting, loving, judging, correcting, molding, preparing and SAVING...and in addition to that, you are ANSWERING the prayers of your children.  You hear me when I call to you and you STOP in the midst of your agenda to wholeheartedly listen to "me."  Yes, Father...for that very reason, I wept.

Psalm 119:32 I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free :-)

I love you.

Eternally yours