Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Lord,

It's snowing....YAY!  Aside from the kids and school being closed, I'm probably the only adult happy about it.  NO more shoveling for me. Lol

As I was reviewing my homework and notes, Father...I have to PRAISE YOU!

Here's a recap: FOUNDATIONAL ISSUES (Referencing Ephesians 5)
"every spiritual blessing has been freely bestowed on us"
"according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us"
"we have obtained a great inheritance"
"the riches of the glory of His inheritance"
"the surpassing greatness of His power toward us"

Q: Why do you think we need a good foundational understanding of the riches God offers us as believers?
My answer:  When I read about Your promises and I experience them in my day to day life, I am convinced that Your word is true.

Q: How might that understanding affect our confidence of trusting Your ability to abundantly supply all our needs?
My answer:  Letting go of what is worldly: Fear, status, things, people and false hope...placing all of our trust in You.

Q: Which of the five promises do you most struggle to BELIEVE? Why?
My answer: NONE. Father, I believe in You!

Q: Which of the five promises do you embrace the easiest and Why?
My answer: ALL.  My Lord, you show me every single day that I am favored by your love and grace.  My life-this life; compared to the one I once lived in darkness is a true and complete reflection that You are who you say you are and that you can do what your word says that you can do.  I have been redeemed.

Eternally grateful, eternally yours