Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Lord,

This is a thank you entry:

I'm so very blessed by you.  Not because I live on the beach and I get to see the skies, heavens, sun, moon and stars just by being in by bedroom/living room.  Not because the view is so amazing, I couldn't possibly put it into words.  Not because I have the most amazing life ever. Not because my baby sister is so growing in her walk with you.  Not because my friend Janet gave me a purple women's devotional and I am loving every single word "spoken by you."  Not because this past weekend, I had an awesome dinner with Kara and Jackie.  Not because Kathy, Pat and I can laugh for hours on end.  "Who needs a boyfriend when you have great girlfriends?" Each time I say that, Kathy and I burst into laughter.  Not because the town is super friendly and I just adore Karen, Jean, Sherry, Cindy, Andrew and Marsha.  Not because I just love, love, love, the Prince Frederick Library. And not because it's right next door to Panera Bread.

Not because I can go to Wal-mart and print out all of my sun-gift photos.  Not because I love my Church and the heartfelt fellowship.  Melanie sent me a "beautiful" friendship text on Sunday and made me cry.  The Secret Sister prayer chain is available 24/7. WOW! Not to mention Thursday night bible study with the girls...words cannot describe our connection and the way you've strengthen us individually and collectively.

Not because I had lunch with my number two guy yesterday.  Alex celebrated his 25th birthday and we had love, laughter and pasta in my car for his lunch break.  Not because my daughter is attending church and loving it.  Not because my gran-girls wrote incredible poems about you and brought tears to my eyes.  Not because I have sleepovers with my mom and she makes me home cooked meals.  Yummy!

Not because my sisters and I are all unique but the love is the same. Call me and I'm there for YOU!  Not because I have an extended family in Ohio.  The Fuller family just loves me to pieces.  As do I them...
Not because I'm very close to publishing my second book. Not because I have two years left to work on the Police Department.  Not because I went on a Christian cruise last summer and formed some of the most incredible friendships that are still going strong today.  Not because I went to Haiti last fall and the experience alone has completely changed the way I look at my life and my "stuff."  And not because I know that you will grant my dreams to go to Israel and Paris before I retire....

But this thank you entry is to just say "Thank You for loving me first.  For choosing me and caring for me with your whole heart."

Father, I feel your presence everyday and like your word says, "Apart from you, I can do nothing."

Eternally yours