Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Lord,

Thank you for another day of grace.

Father, please keep me from willful sin.  Please continue to have your way in my life.  Use me to glorify your name and to preach all the good things you've done for me.  May I never forget who I was and the sinful ways I once walked before you saved me. 

Let me not judge, criticize or stray away from you.  Please hold me accountable; especially for my thoughts.

My Lord, I long to please you and show my most humble appreciation for all your undeserved grace upon my life.  Use my hands, feet, heart, mind, talents and anything else to minimize me and MAXIMIZE You.

If there is "ANYTHING" that stands in my way, Father, please remove it and show yourself through all my choices, decisions, desires, wants and circumstances.

PLEASE help me to continue waiting on you, listening for you and being in a constant state of "obedience."  Father, when I do not understand, I will still TRUST in YOU!

Thank you for your enormous FAVOR in my life!

Eternally yours