Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Lord,

THANK YOU for the huge epiphany on the way to work this morning.  I was listening to the sermon and the subject was how Abraham received his blessing that you promised him.  It was because he left everything he knew and followed you.  He listened, he left and he obeyed.

That was so similar to my story in leaving Waldorf.  I was already in the "listening for you stage" when you blessed me with the beach house.  I had already prayed about it and trusted you with my next address.  I did not know that Max would be going to doggie heaven, but I had already trusted that you would move us somewhere safe and that you would follow us there.

I had already decided that the life I "was living" was not the life you wanted for me and had "finally made peace" with moving.  I had already made the BIG decision to "TRUST" you.  That was something so foreign to me in my past but something so necessary for my BLESSINGS and MY testimony.

And once I moved to the beach and saw the amazing view, day after day, along with your INCREDIBLE sun-gifts and rainbow is its entirety, I kept weeping, asking you, "why me?"

It took some time for me to stop asking and just to enjoy being there with you.  And once it finally sunk it that it was because you loved me and always had, I wept some more.

But today, I have to add, it was because I "LISTENED to you, I LEFT what was comfortable and familiar and I OBEYED your instructions.  You Father, are indeed my strength and MY Song...all the days long.

Eternally yours