Monday, January 14, 2013

My Lord,

Good morning.  I love you with all my heart.  I continually think about you and how you've changed me.  A dear sweet friend asked me about the book that started this writing journey.  His Princess Bride...Love Letters From Your Prince, by Sherry Rose Shepherd.

She, my friend, is seeking a more intimate relationship with you.  I was overwhelmed that she came to me as a point of reference.  Father, thank you for all the people, places and things that you've used to get to where I am.  I love even more so that this journey, our journey...the one that I'm traveling with you, will never end.

I'm super excited about every single step and every single day.  Even when I appear tired, a bit fatigued and somewhat irritated (at work), Father, I still delight in you and I still long to serve you and SEE you.

Jesus said that nothing would be impossible to those who believe (Matthew 17:20).

Eternally yours