Sunday, January 13, 2013

My Lord,

We are studying "The Story" in church and I am so enjoying the journey.  Yes, it's early in the year and I'm always excited about reading your word...but I've learned things "already" that I missed when I read Genesis on my own. 

Father, I thank you for the gracious gift of Grace Church, the Pastor, his staff and all the members.  They welcomed me from day one and I feel so loved and so apart of a ginormous family when I'm there.  There are so many lessons and blessings that have come from my willingness to attend the many bible studies.

I just pray that you can help me to be more focused and even more Christ like as I continue to walk with you and as I continue this Faith journey...not having one single clue on what you will do with me and for me regarding my future...just knowing and trusting and believing your word...

He who began a good work in you, will see it to completion in Christ Jesus... "It's not verbatim" but it's one of your promises in Philippians" :-)

Eternally yours