Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Lord,

Thank you for the sermon this morning on the way to work.  Reminding your children about the Sabbath Law.  It was written for our good and for YOUR Glory! "Hebrews chapter 4."

There are always books on top of books in the secular world on how to get "the most" out of our days...

Why do we need to get "the most?"  Your word says that your grace is sufficient.  I guess in our flesh...if we don't meditate on your word, believe in your word and claim the promises written in your word, we can oftentimes feel as though we are inefficient...not good enough and therefore, lacking something.

The problem with that is that we'll always be "looking" for something to fill those empty places.

Father, thank you for filling ALL my empty places and spaces with your love and your truth.

THANK YOU for your promise to give me rest!
Psalm 23:2
 He makes me lie down in green pastures.
  He leads me beside still waters.

Eternally yours