Friday, December 28, 2012

My Lord...


Am I the only one excited that it's Friday?
No I'm not...

But I'm one of few excited for reasons having nothing to do with what the WORLD sees as a time for exhaling and celebrating the end of their work week.  Most go to happy hour, night clubs and many, many other social outlets to wine down from a 40 hour "place of employment" that offers little to no satisfaction.

I used to be one of those "people" but my TGIF had no fun at the end of the week.  If I wasn't working...I was home doing much of nothing.  I had my share of "girlfriend" gatherings and similar date nights with my sisters but not often.  After being exhausted from working overtime and being the boss in my regular place of employment...I just wanted to go home and stay home.  I was never much of a social butterfly.

And although I was "always" in a relationship...we didn't do much as a couple.  Looking back...I was always the "one" wanting to make plans and wanting to spend quality time together.  Yeah...initially, we had the "new relationship flutters" but over time, we just couldn't sustain it and I thought that was normal.

Father, after spending so much time with you...I've discovered that it's not normal.  LOVE is sustainable and I for one am NOT going to settle for a normal guy and a normal relationship.  I want butterflies and I want them in excess...I want them until you call me home.  I am Your daughter and I DESERVE IT! off track for a moment.  I've been really enjoying my new book "Lady in Waiting" and it's helping me to re-define my future Boaz. Lol

Back to the real reason why I wanted to write this post.  It's Friday and I'm super excited about Bible Study tonight.  We are still studying Daniel and although I've been out sick and also had other commitments which caused me to miss a few classes...I'm still going.  Joan sent me a reminder and I was super thrilled.  We both agreed that Daniel is a bit HEAVY and at times difficult to comprehend, but we are committed to hearing Your word.  You always have a way of speaking to the Spirit and providing clarity for those who seek You.  Even if it's just one verse.

Darlene is hosting tonight and I'm excited about seeing everyone again.  I pray that Kara can come and that we can carpool. :-)

Lord, I love You.  It's Friday and I am not the least bit concerned about not having a date.  I have tried dating...took a break and tried again, and it just doesn't feel right to me.  At least not right now.  The guys are more into me than I want them to be at this point in my life...not his fault at all (I am irresistable) but not ready to commit.

So sounded like a guy just then. Lol

Thank you Father for my single season and I pray that we (You and I) continue this intimate journey that we're on and all the things that YOU are showing me and have shown me will bring GLORY to your name and add fruit to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Eternally yours