Thursday, December 27, 2012

My Lord,

I read the below devotional this morning after watching your sun-gift.  I went from AWE to chills in a matter of minutes.  Watching the sun rise is just one of the most magnificent gifts I've ever encountered.  My eyes so delight in seeing it :)

And then I read this...

Dr. Stanley's devotional:  "The greatest tragedy that can befall someone is to think he's saved, only to discover after death he's not."

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How horrific is that?

Romans 10:9-10
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess and are saved.

I have truly discovered in my walk with you that saying that wholehearted prayer in May of 2008 was somewhat easy (at the time).  However, it was only the beginning of my commitment...the real gift came was when I decided to walk away from my sinful behavior and habits.  Over time and after finally seeing that my life choices did not go with who YOU created me to be...I began to long for intimacy with you.  The more time I spent with you, the clearer your voice became and the more love you poured into me...the more loved I wanted from you.

Getting SAVED and being SAVED is so much more that reciting Romans.  I've learned that it has to be a conscious "choice" to change your mind, heart and life to all things old and grasp deeply and strongly to Your will Father.

It will not happen overnight, but clinging to you and letting go of the things of this world will reap rewards unimaginable and the smile that you bestow upon those you FAVOR is absoulutely priceless.

I've been in "love" before and I've had that special guy "smile" at me...but not one has ever made me "FEEL" the LOVE that you have shown me and have poured into my spirit.  It fills me so much that the excess just spills over into the lives of others.

Don't stop...My Lord.  I want to continue receiving your favor and I pray that my thirst and knowledge for you will never become luke warm.

Eternally yours