Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Happy Wonderful Birthday.  This is the day that the world celebrates your birth.  Most celebrate not knowing what you sacrificed for them.  They buy and spend and give and receive lots of stuff and in the end are "still" not fulfilled....that reason Father is because they don't know that what they are truly seeking cannot be bought or wrapped in pretty gift paper with colorful bows.

YOUR love cannot be bought, purchased or exchanged.  It is YOUR free and selfless gift given to ANYONE who calls on the name of the Lord.  If only I'd known all those years ago...but like I stated before in another post...I was saved when it was my time.  I was chosen by you exactly when I heard your voice calling softly, sweetly, gently...in the midst of my aloneness and pain...I heard it.

I LOVE YOU with MY whole heart today and everyday.  My precious Lord, please keep me focused on you, longing for you and wanting to obey your commands...even in the midst of my "selfish flesh."  In those moments when I want to do "things" my way...use that same voice to draw me back to you...and like I've said before, if I don't listen...use any means necessary to save me from myself.  It is YOUR will that I want and not the will of my flesh and not anything that the world has to offer.

Father, YOU are my heart's desire and may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O'Lord, my Rock and Redeemer.

with all my love,
Your Princess Bride...the one whose soul longs to be intimate with you