Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Lord,

You know that I've been spending a lot of time with you and reading more and more on Prayer and Patience.

Please help me to remain faithful in both areas of my life.  I read the below excerpt from Dr. Stanley's devotional.  It's from March but I love it to pieces :-)

Delays:  God wants us to respond with calm acceptance to moments and seasons of waiting, while trusting in His sovereignty over every situation.  Though the delay may seem annoying and senseless, the Lord uses these times to mature us.  One of the first lessons a young child learns is how to wait.  And our displays of irritation and anger are really just adult versions of childish tantrums.  Each time you feel impatience rise up in your heart, remember that this is an opportunity to choose a mature response instead of acting like a spiritual toddler.

When those moments arise, Lord, please help me to be a 48 year old adult and not a 4 year old toddler. Lol

Eternally yours