Friday, October 5, 2012

My Lord,

The below is an excerpt from a prayer devotional by Jamie A. Hughes:

If He wills, I will.

Today, I thank God for the thorn in my flesh, the constant reminder of my inadequacy, because by its presence, "I was brought low, and He saved me."  (Ps. 116.6).  Before being chastened, I had extravagant plans for my life, none of which involved seeking or serving Him.  But I now see those ambitions for what they were-vainglorious and unsatisfying attempts to build an empire for myself on a foundation of shifting sand.

Whatever happens, I know He has permitted it for His glory and my sanctification.  Recognizing and submitting to this truth has granted me a liberty I never could have gained on my own.

Because I belong to Jesus Christ, I focus on all I've been spared from rather than what I could be subjected to.

That last sentence alone brought me to tears.  I simply have no words to thank you My Lord.  She is speaking of "her illness" and being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  My story does not involve such a disease...but I had my own thorn, so to speak.  If we all we take a deep look into our lives, there are similar circumstances that we could label a thorn.

I had no idea whatsoever that you were drawing me toward you.  I deeply thank you for my divorce.   The union was not blessed by you and the end of it is what ultimately led me to surrender myself to you.  And being diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism is what caused to me stop working 7 days a week...something that came natural for me.  Until reading Hebrews, I had no idea that it was a sin.

The end of my marriage and the loss of weight and energy caused me to "be still."  In that stillness was when I heard your voice.  I'd finally discovered that what I was seeking, searching and longing for most of my life was YOUR love and internal peace.

Now...deep breath

With you is where my heart will remain.  For the rest of my will forever be the lover of my soul.

A special thank you for Dr. Charles Stanley's October Devotional, dedicated to prayer.  Eye opening...every single page.  Specifically, the teaching on fasting.  Father, I love you so much!

Eternally yours