Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Lord,

Thank you.

The past two weeks have been a roller coaster mentally and physically.  My work schedule, my activities, my sleep pattern and my study habits.  I thank you for covering me, keeping me safe and keeping your promise to be with me every step of the way.  I especially thank you for all the beautiful women that you've placed in my life. 

During our women's weekend retreat I was just admiring and glancing around at all the beautiful creatures you created...all with different skin color, hair styles, clothing, shapes, accents and characteristics from your grace...all seemingly different but brought together under your covenant with your blood.

Father we love you and the weekend together was so very evident of that.  The tears, hugs, singing, praising, loving, exchanging of one's self, and the connection with complete strangers was something only you could have orchestrated.

Thank you Lord for sending me, for choosing me and for using me.  My life is yours and even when I'm tired, a bit lazy and sometimes unwilling, Lord, it's my continual prayer that you USE me.

I have had many times in my life when I wanted "something", wanted "someone" and with you Father, the wants have quieted and the desires have faded and the LONGING for you has surpassed all those "fleshly feelings" from my past.

Lord, keep me in your protective wings and only grant my heart's desire when it is in complete alignment with your will for my life.  I only want what you planned for me long before I came into the world with my own wants.  Remind me day by day that this life is not about me and that I haven't a clue on how to live it on my own.

Father, please keep your promise to save the righteous and discipline the unwilling hearts.  We are in trouble and we need your firm hand upon our lives.

Eternally yours