Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Lord,

Thank you for sooooooooooo many reasons :-)

I love it when I'm alone with you and we talk for hours at a time.  I love when I'm in the middle of a sentence and then all of a sudden, I just burst into tears.  Those tears Father are my little droplets of love for you.  The thought of you and your profound presence and grace in my life truly oozes from deep within my soul and flows outward into salty heartfelt tears of unending addoration for you.

I love you with all that I am and I'm always seeking to be closer to you with each new day.

Yesterday, I was searching the scripture for a particular verse and you led me elsewhere.  I love when that happens.

* A promise of perfect peace. A peace that goes beyond human comprehension. To have one's mind "stayed" means to lean on God in total confidence and security.

Trust is the ultimate expression of that confidence. Notice that the  object of one's faith is as important as the act of trust. Here the object of faith is The Lord Jehovah.

KJV Reference: Isaiah 26:1-11 PEACE

Eternally yours