Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Lord,

I pray that you know my heart.  It is my heart's desire to one day become a Godly wife.  It has nothing to do with wanting to have my needs met, wanting to make love or walk hand in hand “with someone.”  I have had the passion, the fire, the butterflies and the fireworks.  I’ve even had the wedding, white picket fence and dog.  It was all good as each season began and as each season came to its end.

In the midst of each “relationship” I had no idea that you were calling out to me or even preparing my heart to receive you. 

All that time spent in my own will has completely humbled my flesh to be what you’ve created me to be.  I believe that with all that I am, I was not only created to be your beloved disciple but that I was also created to be a Godly wife to someone.

You created me for love and to love.  With that precious gift you’ve given me, I stand fast in choosing a mate.  I have completely removed myself from the selection process and given you the say over my future.

I rest in complete peace knowing that you will choose the one I shall marry.  Being celibate and not having any longings to be held, kissed or caressed is something I never thought would occur in my life.  Having been in a relationship since I was 17, my single season has been ALL about the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart.

It has not been an easy journey for me, but YOU have made yourself known each and every step along the way.  Knowing the love you have for me, and knowing that your love will never ever leave me coupled with YOU wanting what’s best for me is too much for my soul to comprehend. 

I still cry at times and as you know, I cried last night as I watched the Gospel of John.  In my ear and in my heart, I keep hearing your sweet gentle words…”Believe.  I tell you the truth.”  I believe YOU Father, honestly and wholeheartedly, I believe in you.

Lord, even if you so desire for me to remain single, I will rest in knowing that with our without someone to share my life with, I will still remain in your love.  Either way, how can I possibly lose?

My love is just as eternal for you as YOUR LOVE is for me!

Eternally yours