Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Lord,

good morning and thank you.

Shame: a negative emotion that combines feelings of dishonor, unworthiness, and embarrassment

Guilt: an awareness of having done wrong or committed a crime, accompanied by feelings of shame and regret

Fear: an unpleasant feeling of anxiety or apprehension caused by the presence or anticipation of danger

Pain: the acutely unpleasant physical discomfort experienced by somebody who is violently struck, injured, or ill; severe emotional or mental distress

Aloneness: without any other person or thing nearby or in attendance, for company, or to give assistance; wandering alone in the wilderness; without help or support from anybody or anything else

Repentance: to recognize the wrong in something you have done and be sorry about it; to feel regret about a sin or past actions and change your ways or habits

Forgiveness: the act of pardoning somebody for a mistake or wrongdoing

Joy: feelings of great happiness or pleasure, especially of an elevated or spiritual kind; a pleasurable aspect of something or source of happiness

Peace: a state of mental calm and serenity, with no anxiety; a calm and quiet state, free from disturbances or noise

Righteous: always behaving according to a religious or moral code; considered to be correct or justifiable

Freedom: a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses, without being subject to any undue restraints or restrictions

Love: an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion; a passionate feeling; the mercy, grace, and charity shown by God to humanity

Savior: used by Christians as a name for Jesus Christ; somebody who rescues somebody or something from harm or danger

Father, thank you for rescuing me from harm and danger J

Eternally yours