Monday, December 3, 2012

My Lord,

Good morning.  I love you.  I thank you and I PRAISE you.

Father, this past month has been somewhat of a blur.

After my car was totaled, it seems as if my life hasn't been my own.  But I thank you.  I don't know why Erin crashed into my car that day and I can only hope that you were preventing me from something or preventing her from something.  In any event, I pray that we have both been blessed by the (well, what we'd call unfortunate) accident.

I am oh so grateful for my new car.  But in the midst of all that "mess" I'm very grateful for my Mission's Trip to Haiti.  It was an experience of a lifetime.  I will never, ever forget the people, the love and the PRAISE and worship that they/we showed in the midst of their poverty.  Lord, all their hope is in you and I pray that I display that same humble spirit in my walk with you.  My Lord, ALL my hope is in you too.

When I returned, I was on sick leave for an additional two weeks with a bronchitis infection and therefore, I did not work the entire month of November.  For whatever reasons, Father, you wanted me all to yourself.  I can only say that being with you...just the two of us, is where I want to be.  I never want to be without your teaching, preaching, guidance and love.  I need your mercy and grace all the days of my life.  My flesh simply cannot function without your presence.

Love me, keep me and strengthen me for Your Glory and yours alone.

I live because you will it.  (James 4:15)  I get that now...

Eternally yours